Contact Lenses

Contact lenses are a fantastic alternative to spectacles, particularly for activities such as sport and for people who simply don't like wearing glasses. They are small, ultra-thin, light optical lenses worn directly on the eye to correct vision problems (like nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism or presbyopia). Contact lenses can be hard or soft, can replace glasses and can also enhance or change the colour of your eyes.

Most contact lenses are soft, or “hydrophilic,” meaning they are made of water. (This is how soft contact lenses stay soft.) Soft contact lenses are extremely thin and are manufactured from materials that allow oxygen to pass through them (oxygen permeability) to reach the eye surface.

With recent advances in design technology, contact lenses are now more comfortable, easier to care for and are more affordable.

Although all eyes look pretty much the same, in reality everybody's eyes are slightly different. Eyes come in a variety of shapes and sizes. That's why it's important to have us fit your contact lenses for your particular eye shape and size. Even if you've been wearing contacts for years, it's a good idea to have your prescription checked to make sure that your lenses offer the best possible fit for your unique eyes.

For some eye conditions such as Keratoconus, contact lenses are integral in achieving good quality vision. Special contact lenses, like those used in Orthokeratology, reshape the cornea to temporarily correct or reduce myopia (short-sightedness).

We have a comprehensive range of contact lenses for every day and occasional wear. Try the colour contact lenses for a whole new you!

We have contact lenses for every age and almost every prescription!

Make an appointment for a contact lens consultation and see and feel how easy it is.

There are many different types of contact lenses on the market and you may be unsure what type of lens is appropriate for your eyes. Our specialised Contact Lens optometrist at Meyer Optica- Balmain Optometrist can help you choose a contact lens system that is suited specifically to you

• Daily soft disposable contact lenses - wear them for a day, and then throw them away! No cleaning, no solutions, no hassle. Great for holidays, camping trips or occasional wear.
• Two weekly disposable contact lenses
• Monthly wear disposable contact lenses
• Bifocal contact lenses - no need to wear reading glasses or bifocal spectacles!
• Multifocal contact lens - see at any distance, anywhere, anytime!
• Disposable Coloured contact lenses to enhance or completely change your eye colour and improve your vision available in daily, fortnightly and monthly.

Daily Disposable contact lenses
• Are soft contact lenses that are worn and then discarded after one wear
• Are very convenient as they do not need to be cleaned
• Are perfect for first time contact lens wearers
• Meyer Optica offers free* trial lenses on all daily disposable lenses Fortnightly and Monthly DISPOSABLE contact lenses
• Are soft contact lenses that are worn each day for either a fortnight or a month
• Are removed each night, cleaned and stored in contact lens solution • Are not worn overnight

Extended Wear contact lenses
• Are soft contact lenses that can be worn for up to 30 days without removal
• Are able to be worn overnight when sleeping
• Are made of a revolutionary material that delivers high levels of oxygen to the cornea (clear front cover of the eye) which allows the eye to breath
• Do not require cleaning

Rigid Gas Permeable contact lenses
• Are also known as hard contact lenses as they are not as flexible as soft lenses
• Are usually used to correct greater amounts of astigmatism or corneal irregularities such as Keratoconus, giving better vision than either glasses or soft contact lenses
• Are used in Orthokeratology to reshape the cornea to temporarily correct or reduce myopia (short-sightedness)

Custom Made contact lenses
• Are tailor made to suit your exact eye shape and are generally replaced annually

Multi-focal contact lenses
• They are a great alternative for wearers of multi-focal glasses
• Like multi-focal glasses, multi-focal lenses can be worn to correct your vision for more than one distance
• Are soft contact lenses and are available in daily disposables and fortnightly or monthly disposables

Contact lenses worn for monovision
• Monovision is provided by wearing a contact lens for reading in one eye and a contact lens for distance vision in the other eye
• Are a great alternative to multi-focal contact lenses and multi-focal glasses

Phone Meyer Optica Optometrist at Balmain now on 02 9810 4605 to make an appointment for an eye health check up and to discuss Contact Lens options available for you.

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